Check them...
We met November 22, 2008. I had just moved back to Utah from Kansas and was looking for something to do on a Saturday night. After talking with a few friends, I made the trip up to SLC to hang at a friend's birthday party. Accompanying me at this party were fellow Creekers Magoo, Steve and Alan.The first 5 minutes of the party were seriously straight out of a movie. We showed up not knowing anyone but the friend (Crockett) whose party it was. After saying our hello's, we were all hanging in the kitchen when I turned and some douchehead spilled his grape juice all over my newly cleaned & pressed white shirt (it was a black & white party). I was hella pissed and went off on the dude with some choice words. At this point I was ready to leave, but Magoo and the others convinced me to stay.As the party got going I noticed this babe just chillin on the couch with a friend. She immediately caught the attention of all four of us. I turned to the other dudes and said "You see that chick with the red hair, I'm just letting you know that I call her so you all need to back off." Yeah that's right, I dibs'd her. We ended up hanging, dancing and talking the rest of that night. The rest is history.