Here's a small glimpse into a couple of ideas i've come up with:
1) SLC Punk Dog - There are several things unique to SLC and Utah - two of those are Crown Burger's pastrami burger and the state's obsession with fry sauce. There is a hot dog joint in SLC already offering a pastrami wrapped dog with fry sauce on it, so to twist it a little bit I thought why not incorporate an SLC Punk element. If you've ever seen the movie you know that Steve-O and Bob prefer to drink beer. Instead of a traditional dog I want to use a beer soaked dog or polish. Thoughts? I've also tampered with the idea of tying in some of SLC's great Greek food to this dog - maybe some feta sprinkled on top or use a gyros based dog?
2) Maple Dog (the name needs help) - I want to take a maple bar doughnut (excluding the frosting - just the doughnut shell) and hollow out the inside. Coat the inside of the hollowed-out core with a maple syrup & mustard reduction, then insert a bacon-wrapped high-quality dog. Pretty straight-forward but it sounds delicious.
Ang thinks I'm a little crazy, but is being supportive. The next step in the process is to continue trying out recipes here at casa de Crouchies and see what does/doesn't work. Gimme some feedback. :)
To wet your appetite a little bit